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Up to battle! Up to battle!
All we love is saved or lost!
Workshop's hum and wayside's tattle,
Off! This thing the life may cost.
Come, for your country! For all dear things, come!
Come to the roll of the rallying drum!
You have seen the spring-swollen river
Hurling torrent, ice and wreck:
You have felt the strong pier quiver
Like a tempest-shaken deck:—
Many a stout heart, quick hand, and eye,
Broke the water's mad strength, and it went by.
Look on this mad, threatening torrent,
Tumbling on, with blood and death!
Will we see our bulwarks war-rent?
Never! Snatch a stronger breath:


Here is good man's work! Break through, and through!
What matters hardship, or danger, to you?
What were death to any true man
If the cause be true and high?
Beastly might quails under human
Looking calmly in its eye.
Come! with your fearless strength break yonder ranks!
God's blessing! glory! and evermore thanks!
August 5, 1862.