University of Virginia Library


Is this all? all? my rose-red lips,
Where, where are your gentle sighs?
You have only one of your thousand lights,
My beautiful, beautiful eyes!
The same sweet brow and dazzling hair—
On the cheek the same warm glow—
Ah, come and be folded in mine again,
My dear little hands of snow!
O cruel death, wilt thou not yield
To the might of love like ours?
I have seen the bleak cold earth in the rain
Blaze wild and red with flowers!


Still, still. If ever I did you wrong
That your tender love concealed,
Break this silence, life of my life,
And say that my wound is healed!
See, see! I am on my knees! No flush
In the cheek? in the pulse, no start?
O come from the canvas and make me live—
Come, come to me, heart of my heart!
One sign, my little white hands! one word,
My rose-red mouth! though it kill—
Change, change, my darling, your smile to a frown—
Be anything, but so still.