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All Things Free.

Free as the air, free as the sea,
Let all things come, let all things be:
The air, at every start and pause,
That still confesses natural laws—
The sea, that ever ebbs and flows,
And still the laws of nature knows.
Free as that air's sky-cleaving bird,
Whose songs at Heav'ns blue gates are heard
Ere sunbeams tip earth's loftiest peak,
Let all things move, let all things speak—
For laws divine or human reach,
Or may, and wisely govern each.
Free as the sea's careering ships,
Whose arrowy speed the wind outstrips,
As o'er the broad and boundless deep,
Unaw'd, unchain'd, but helm'd, they sweep,
Let all things be, as all things can—
And first, and chief of all things, MAN.