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The Singing Maiden, with Other Stories and Rhymes,

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Thus saith the Lord; “the moaning
Of my People rise to Me,
I hear their lamentations;
From the gulf shores to the sea.
Ye have made their lives a burden
Of shame and grief and pain,
And my angels weep with pity;
O'er the thousands ye have slain.
Woe unto you transgressors,
Of my laws of truth and right;


With the besom of destruction,
I will sweep you from my sight!
Woe unto you, oppressors
Of the weak; ye shall atone.
By fire, and flood, and famine,
Ye shall reap, as ye have sown!
Your land shall be a desert
Where weeds and thistles grow,
On fields which laughed with plenty;
Woe to the Spoiler! Woe!

God has numbered thy kingdom and finished it.