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The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:


Mr. George B. Brothers as Instructor in Chemistry, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $6,200.

Mr. Charley P. Eastburn as Assistant Professor of History, for one year, effective
1 July 1964, at a session salary of $6,800 plus 20 per cent for summer duties and 15 per cent
for administrative duties, or a total salary of $9,384.

Mr. Carl L. Epley, Jr., as Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology, for one year,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $7,500 plus 20 per cent for summer duties
and 15 per cent for administrative duties, or a total salary of $10,350.

Mr. Joseph Perfetti as Instructor in Spanish, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $6,200.

Mr. Gordon F. Theisz, Jr., as Instructor in Engineering Technology, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $6,500 plus 20 per cent for summer duties, or a total salary of $7,800.

Mrs. Judith H. True as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $5,600.

Mr. Marshall M. True as Instructor in History, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $6,500 plus 20 per cent for summer duties, or a total salary of $7,800.

Mrs. Jeanne Lee R. Yeffstif as Instructor in French, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $5,600.


The following appointments were announced:

Mr. Charley P. Eastburn as Director, for one year, effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Carl L. Epley, Jr., as Director of Engineering Technology, for one year, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. Marshall M. True as Director of Student Affairs, for one year, effective 1 September