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The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty of the Patrick-Henry Branch of
the School of General Studies

Mr. Sherman S. Dutton as Assistant Professor of General Studies at the Patrick-Henry Branch of
the School of General Studies, for one year, effective 1 July 1962, at a salary of $6,800 plus 20
per cent for summer duties

Miss Gabrielle Roy as Instructor in Modern Languages at the Patrick-Henry Branch of the School
of General Studies, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $6,200

Mr. John E. Wood as Instructor in Mathematics at the Patrick-Henry Branch of the School of
General Studies, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $6,200