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Are you ready to drive in the
country? EI Verdecito is a
dymaxion green '68VW 296-6484.
It's a mane steal.

For Sale: 70 dollars 1963 Cadillac;
Body needs work, but mechanically
very good. 15 M.P.G. 977-8475
after 6.

Porche–1961 Roadster–metallic
blue, cream top restored, excellent
condition, economical. Charlie
295-8128 or 293-2365.

Opel GT 72, red, 7000 miles,
warranty, 4 speed $2590 call
977-3112 evenings.

1968 Opel Deluxe, 1.5L, very good
condition, $700 or best offer. 222
Fitzhugh or call 977-3013. Ask for

VW 1970 Excl. cond. must sell. call
Steve 295-1530.