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TO tell you that I am sorry for your loss,
or that I sympathize with you in your affliction,
would be but the language you daily hear; and
often, perhaps, from the unfeeling and indifferent.
But, you will do me the justice to believe,
that I take a particular interest in your concerns,
and really share your grief. A holy Providence
has wounded you by a stroke, which is extremely
painful and fevere. Your best friend is shrounded
in the grave. In the maternal breast, your fondest
affections, and most unsuspecting confidence
have hitherto concentred; and who can provide
you with an equivalent substitute? To the almighty
Father and Friend of creation, it becomes
you to repair for comfort and support.

The dying advice and counsel of your dear
mamma, which, you inform me, were pathetic,
instructive and consolatory, will be a guide to
your feet. Often realize the solemn scene, and
remember, that, “though dead, she yet speaketh.”

You have great cause of thankfulness, that she
was spared to direct you so far through the intricate
and dangerous path of youth; to complete


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your education; to teach you, by her example,
how to acquit yourself with usefulness and honor;
and, above all, to furnish you with that important
knowledge, to which every thing else should be
made subservient—how to die!

An era of your life has now commenced,
which is no less important than affecting. That
assisting hand, which formerly led you, is now cold
and lifeless! Those lips, from which you have
been accustomed to receive information and advice,
are sealed in perpetual silence! And that
heart, which always glowed with the warmest solicitude
for your happiness, has ceased to palpitate!

You must now think and act for yourself. As
the eldest daughter, you will be placed at the
head of your father's family. You must, therefore,
adopt a plan of conduct, conducive to its
harmony, regularity, and interest.

Filial duty to your surviving parent, more tenderly
inculcated by your participation of his
heavy bereavement, will lead you to consult his
inclination, and sedulously contribute all in your
power to lighten the burden of domestic arrangements
devolved upon him. While he laments
the death of a prudent, affectionate, and beloved
wife, give him reason to rejoice, that he is blessed
with a daughter, capable of soothing the pains,
alleviating the cares, and heightening the enjoyments
of his life.

Your brothers and sisters will look up to you
as the guide of their tender years. While their


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weeping eyes and pathetic accents are directed
towards you, let kindness, discretion, and patience,
characterize your deportment, and engage their
confidence and love.

Having mentioned your duty to others, I cannot
dismiss the subject without dropping a few
hints for your direction, in regard to your personal

A very important charge is committed to you,
as well in the duties which you owe to yourself,
as in the superintendence of your father's family.

The sovereign Disposer of all things has, at an
early age, made you, in a measure, your own
guardian. Your father's business calls him much
abroad. With you, therefore, he is obliged to
entrust, not only his domestic concerns; but, what
is still more dear to his heart, the care of your
own person and mind; of your own reputation
and happiness.

Circumstanced as you are, company has the
most powerful charms. Your's is now the prerogative
of receiving and returning visits in your
own name. At home, you are sole mistress of
ceremonies. This is extremely alluring to the
sprightly fancy of youth. But time, you will
remember, is too important a blessing to be sacrificed
to a promiscuous crowd of unimproving
companions. Besides, the character of a young
lady will necessarily be sullied by the imputation
of being constantly engaged in parties of pleasure,


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and exhilarating amusement. Flattery often
avails itself of the unguarded moments of gaiety;
and, insinuating its insidious charms into the
heedless and susceptible mind, inflates it with
pride and vanity, and produces an affectation and
air of self-importance, which are peculiarly difgusting,
because easily distinguished from that
true dignity of manners, which results from conscious
rectitude. Genuine merit is always modest
and unassuming; diffident of itself, and respectful
to others.

Your father has a right to your unlimited confidence.
You will, therefore, make him your
chief friend and counsellor. Though he may not
possess all the winning softness of a mother, he
doubtless has as ardent an affection for you, and
as sincere a desire to promote your welfare.
Hence you may safely repose your dearest concerns
in his paternal breast, and receive, with the
utmost deference, his kind instruction and advice.
Let his judgment have an entire ascendency over
your mind and actions, especially in your intercourse
and society with the other sex. Consider
him as better acquainted with their merit, circumstances,
and views, than you can be; and,
should you contemplate a connexion for life, let
his opinion determine your choice.

Watch over your dear little sisters, with all the
tenderness of fraternal affection; be their protecttor
and friend; instil into their minds the principles


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of virtue and religion; arm them against
the snares and temptations by which they will
be surrounded; and lead them, by your own
conduct, in the way of truth and peace.

When you have leisure and inclination to
write, the effusions of your pen will always be
acceptable to your sincere and faithful friend,