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The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED that the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Visitors, in its assignment of Pavilions on the Lawn and Montebello, shall be governed by the following policy, effective March 28, 1992, and which shall supersede all previous policies:
  • a. Qualifications for the assignment of residences, other than apartments in Pavilion VIII, under these regulations shall include:
  • 1. Assignees shall hold the rank of full professor
  • 2. The following are not eligible for assignment to residences:
  • a. Part-time professors
  • b. Professors who have entered into retirement contracts with the University.
  • b. Subject to a, priority shall be accorded to the two academic Vice Presidents, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Deans in order of the founding of the several schools, and then to the faculty subject to conditions detailed below.
  • Specifically the order shall be as follows:
  • 1. The Vice President and Provost
  • 2. The Vice President for Health Sciences
  • 3. The Vice President for Student Affairs
  • 4. The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
  • 5. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
  • 6. The Dean of the School of Medicine
  • 7. The Dean of the School of Law
  • 8. The Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • 9. The Dean of Graduate Studies
  • 10. The Dean of the School of Education
  • 11. The Dean of the School of Commerce
  • 12. The Dean of the School of Architecture
  • 13. The Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration
  • 14. The Dean of the School of Nursing

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  • c. Subject to a and b, full professors shall have priority, irrespective of their School, in accordance with two priorities:
  • demonstrated excellence in teaching, with preference given during the term of service to the holder of the Cavaliers' Distinguished Teaching Chair; and seniority as full professors.
  • d. Persons who occupy Pavilions by reason of an administrative appointment as Dean or Vice President may remain in the Pavilion for not more that one year following the conclusion of the term of the administrative appointment.
  • e. Faculty members who occupy Pavilions in accordance with c, shall do so for a term of five years, renewable at the University's and the resident's option for an additional five years, but in no case to exceed a total of ten years.
  • For those persons who occupied Pavilions on June 1, 1992, individual arrangements shall be negotiated by the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, reflecting the general intent of the revisions described here.
  • f. A prospective occupant's willingness to assign space in a Pavilion for classes or seminars will be considered an additional qualification. Ability at interaction with students by the prospective occupant shall also be considered a criterion in the selection of an occupant.
  • g. Occupants assigned to residences who resign from the faculty, shall vacate the premises within 30 days from the date of resignation. Retiring professors shall vacate the premises by June 30 of the year of retirement. The family of a professor who dies during the session may occupy the residence until the close of that session.
  • h. Assignment of the apartments in Pavilion VIII shall be made by the Board on recommendation by the Provost.
  • i. Special considerations for selection of an occupant of a Pavilion, or for the use of a Pavilion, which may not be covered entirely by the above stated policy, may be taken into account by the Board on the recommendation of the President.
  • j. This policy may become effective for Montebello on recommendation of the President and agreement by the Board.