University of Virginia Library


German A1: For students who are not prepared to enter German B1.
Elementary grammar, composition, reading and conversation.—(B.A. or
B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for those who have not offered German for
entrance.) Five hours a week. Professor Faulkner.

German B1: German A1 or the equivalent, prerequisite.—Reading of
about eight hundred pages of modern German prose, illustrative of German
life and thought since 1870-71, with grammatical and conversational


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exercises, and composition work in free reproduction.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.) Professor Faulkner.

German B2: German B1 prerequisite.—First term: German lyric and
ballad poetry, with reading in class of ballads and lyrics of Goethe, Schiller,
and Heine, and assigned parallel reading in other poets. Second term:
Goethe's Faust, Part I. Third term: Goethe's Faust, Part II.—History of
German literature, once a week, first term. Paralled reading, in second and
third terms, of selected dramas of Schiller, Lessing and Goethe. Advanced German
composition once a week.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor

German C1: German B1 and B2 prerequisite.—Conducted in German.
First term: Die Tragödie der Klassiker; Seminar: Schiller's Wallenstein.
Second term: Der deutsche Roman, 1795-1900. Third term: Seminar:
Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre; Kellers Der Grüne Heinrich. Professor
Faulkner. Given in alternate years with German C2.

German C2: German B1 and B2 prerequisite.—First term (conducted in
English): Historical grammar, with selected readings in specimens of
early New High German prose and poetry. Second and third terms (conducted
in German): Goethes Jugend: Gedichte bis 1775; die Leiden des
jungen Werthers; Götz von Berlichingen; Dichtung und Wahrheit. Seminar:
Goethes Faust, I. und II. Teil. Professor Faulkner. Given in
alternate years with German C1.

The following courses are open only to candidates for a doctor's degree
in one of the Schools of English, English Literature, Latin, Greek,
Romanic or Germanic Languages, who have already completed not less
than one year of graduate work as candidates for that degree. Only one
course will be given in any one session. German C1 or C2 prerequisite.
Three hours a week, by appointment. Professor Faulkner.

German D1.—Gothic and Old High German.

German D2.—Middle High German, with readings in the Nibelungenlied.

German D3.—Middle High German, with readings in Walther von
der Vogelweide.