University of Virginia Library


Conduct.—The laws of the university require from every student
decorous, sober, and upright conduct as long as he remains a member
of the university, whether he be within the precincts or not.
They require from the student regular and diligent application to
his studies, and if, in the opinion of the faculty, any student be not


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fulfilling the purposes for which he ought to have come to the university,
and be not likely to fulfill them, either from habitual delinquency
in any of his classes, or from habitual idleness, or from
any other bad habit, the president, upon recommendation of the
faculty, may require him to withdraw from the university, after
informing him of the objections to his conduct and affording him
an opportunity of explanation and defense.

Drunkenness, gambling, and dissoluteness are strictly forbidden,
and the president may dismiss from the university for the residue
of the current session every student found guilty of them, or
may administer such other discipline as seems best under the circumstances.

The keeping of Dogs by students within the university grounds
is forbidden.

In all cases of Discipline, the law requires that the student
must first be informed of the objections to his conduct and afforded
an opportunity of explanation and defense.

Prohibition of Credit.—An act of the Legislature prohibits
merchants and others, under severe penalties, from crediting minor
students. The license to contract debts, which the president is
authorized to grant, is limited (except when the parent or guardian
requests otherwise in writing) to cases of urgent necessity.