University of Virginia Library


[To the world and Satan sold]

Thou hast neither part nor lot in this, &c. —viii. 21.

To the world and Satan sold,
Sinner, what is Christ to thee?
Pleasure is thy god, or gold;
Bond-slave of iniquity
Panting for the praise of men
Canst thou feel a heavier chain?
Didst thou ever yet intend
God in all thy ways to please?
No; the creature is thy end:
Dost thou not the charge confess?
Naked in its Maker's sight
Ask thy heart if it be right?
No; thy guilty heart must own,
Far from God, and foul as hell:
Feel it now, and deeply groan
All its filthiness to feel;
Struggle in the' infernal snare,
Sink at last in self-despair.


Then behold the heavenly Lamb
Pouring out His blood Divine,
On the brink of Tophet claim
Christ the sinner's Friend for thine;
Find with all His saints thy part,
Find thy Saviour in thy heart.