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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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Electrical Code.

Sec. 493(1). Electrical installations—general.

(a) All installations of electrical wiring or any type of electrical
appliance or fixtures, shall be made in accordance with the
most approved methods of electrical construction with due regard
to the safety of life and property, and in a most workmanlike

(b) The National Electric Code of the National Board of Fire
Underwriters, as approved by the American Engineering Standards
Committee, shall be considered as standard for general electrical
construction and the installation of any type of electrical
appliance or fixture, other than as set forth in this Chapter.

(c) All installations of electrical wiring or any type of electrical
appliance or fixture shall be made with materials, wire, fittings
and apparatus which are of a grade and quality approved
by the Underwriters for the several purposes for which they are

(d) All installations of electrical wiring or any type of electrical
appliance or fixture within the "Congested Fire Limits," as
defined elsewhere in this Code, shall be made in rigid conduit

(e) Whenever the wiring in any part of the City, whether in
"Congested Fire Limits" or otherwise, is subject to moisture, the
installation shall be made in rigid conduit and the wire shall be
of the rubber covered lead sheathed type.

(f) All new buildings and all old buildings being rewired in
the City of Charlottesville shall be equipped with a rigid conduit
service complete to a water ground, using a groundulet of an approved

(g) All circuit wires, leaving a service switch or panel box on
a knob and tube job shall be conduit or armored cable to the first
outlet box.

(h) All baseboard or wall receptacles shall be so wired that
not more than one receptable shall be on each lighting circuit. In


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case such an arrangement cannot be made a separate circuit shall
be wired for each eight receptacles and each twelve light outlets.

(i) All motors requiring more than one ampere at 220 volts
shall be wired with approved rigid metal conduit.

(j) All electrical appliances up to three amperes at 220 volts
shall be connected to and operated through an approved appliance
receptacle, termed as a fixed connection. Appliances shall not be
attached to pendant fixtures or drop cords other than portable
table lamps directly under the fixture. Portable cords used on
appliances shall not be more than eight feet (8′) long.

(k) All knob or tube work shall be installed as a loop system
in order to prevent joints being made in partitions and other concealed

(l) All wiring in buildings being remodeled of which 50 per
cent of the wiring is new, based upon the number of outlets shall
be made to conform to the present requirements.

Sec. 493(2). City electrician — appointment — term

A City Electrician shall be appointed by the City Manager subject
to the approval of the Council. He shall receive such compensation
as the Council, on the recommendation of the City
Manager, may fix; payable in equal monthly installments. The
City Electrician shall give bond in such amount as the Council
may deem necessary.

Sec. 493(3). City electrician—duties.

The City Electrician shall be charged with the duty of enforcing
the laws of the City relating to electricity. He shall also
perform such other duties as the City Manager may assign to

The City Electrician shall not engage in the electrical business
or any other business pertaining thereto, or be interested either
directly, or indirectly, in any firm or corporation engaged in said
lines of business during his term of office.

He shall inspect all buildings in course of erection, alteration
or repair for the purpose of seeing that the laws and ordinances
covering electrical work are complied with.

Upon being notified by any electrical contractor engaged in


Page 265
work for which he has received a permit, the City Electrician
shall promptly examine such work, and shall condemn it, ordering
the removal of any defective or illegal material, or any electrical
work failing to comply with the provisions of this Chapter.

The City Electrician or his authorized assistant, shall issue all
permits for electrical work and issue the required approval certificate
on the satisfactory completion of such work.

The City Electrician shall have general supervision of all electric
lights used for City purposes and it shall be his duty to require
any person, firm or corporation, furnishing electricity to
the City under contract to comply with its terms, and in the event
of failure to do so, he shall report such failure to the City Manager.

The City Electrician shall be charged with the upkeep and
maintenance in good working order of the electric fire alarm, and
traffic systems. He shall attend all fire alarms, reporting to the
person or officer in command at the scene of the fire. He shall
cut or cause to be removed all wires and shall turn off all currents
where the circuits interfere with the work of the fire department,
or are liable to injure life or property.

The City Electrician shall direct, regulate and determine the
placing, operation and maintenance of electric wires and other
appliances for light, heat or power, and he shall cause all such
wires or appliances to be so placed, constructed, guarded and insulated
that they will not cause injury to life or property.

The City Electrician shall have special charge of the enforcement
of all ordinances relating to electricity and the use thereof
in the streets of the City, parks, or other public places. He shall
report to the City Manager any person, firm or corporation violating
any of the provisions of the City Code relative to electricity.

Sec. 493(4). License — certificate of registration —
bond required.

No person, firm or corporation shall be licensed to make installations
of electrical systems or be engaged in the electrical
business, unless such person has had at least three years apprenticeship
in the electrical trade, or unless such firm or corporation
has in its employ and in charge of its electrical work a person


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who has been trained as aforesaid. Any person, firm or corporation
about to engage in the electrical business or the installation
of electrical systems in the City shall first be licensed as required
by the license laws of the City. Before such license shall be issued
by the Commissioner of Revenue, the applicant must exhibit
a certificate of registration, issued by the City Electrician,
which shall show that such person has had at least three years
apprenticeship in the electrical trade and has executed the bond
hereinafter provided. Such certificate of registration shall be
sufficient proof that the applicant has been duly qualified to engage
in the electrical business as required by this chapter.

Each person, firm or corporation engaged in the electrical business
shall enter into a bond with Corporate security satisfactory
to the City Manager in the penalty of $500.00 to indemnify and
save harmless the City, its citizens, residents and property owners
against any and all loss by reason of his failure to comply
with the requirements of this chapter, or for neglect or carelessness
in his work and conditioned further that should any
such work be defective or incomplete and such person, firm or
corporation shall fail to correct the same within the time specified
by the City Electrician on forms provided for this purpose,
the City Manager may have such work corrected or completed
and the cost thereof as well as all the costs or expense incurred
in collecting the same, may be recovered on the bond.

Such bond shall be renewed annually and placed in hands of
the City Electrician on or before the first day of May of each

Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the electrical
business shall make good all damages arising by reason of violation
of this Chapter. Work improperly done and not corrected
as required by the City Electrician on forms provided for the
purpose, may be corrected by the City Manager and cost thereof
and 20% additional collected from said person, firm or corporation,
and such violation shall subject such person, firm or corporation
to a fine as hereinafter provided and/or revocation of
his license to do business.

Sec. 493(5). Radios—who may install—bond required.

Duly licensed radio dealers may also install radios and antennas


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provided they give bond in the amount of $100.00 conditioned
and approved as the bond required of persons, firms or
corporations engaged in the electrical business under the preceding
subsection of this chapter.

The same permits, inspections and approvals shall be required
of radio and antenna installations as of installations of other
electrical work.

Sec. 493(6). Permits—when required—who may do
electrical work.

No alterations or installations of electrical wiring or any type
of electric appliance or fixture shall be made without first obtaining
a permit therefor. Application for such permit shall be
made to the City Electrician on forms prescribed by him. Such
application shall be accompanied by such sketches and other information
as may be required by the City Manager to enable the
City officials to determine whether or not such proposed work is
in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. Upon approval
of such application the City Electrician shall issue a written
permit for such work. Only a registered electrician shall be
allowed to make any electrical installations or alterations (except
radio and antenna as provided in the preceding subsection of this
section) provided, however, that each registered electrician actually
engaged in a piece of electrical work may have one or
more helpers or apprentices directly under his supervision.

It shall be unlawful for any electrician to take out permits for
any person not in his employ.

Any electrician taking a job which has been started by another
must take out a new permit for such work and must be responsible
for the entire work.

Sec. 493(7). Fees for permits.

The following fees shall be paid to the City for each permit
issued by the City Electrician for the installation or alteration
of wiring or the installation of any type of electrical appliance
or fixture in any building or electrically connected thereto,
within the City, and the receipt of these fees shall be endorsed
on the application by the City Electrician.


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Open or concealed work to outlets:

No. of Outlets  Fee 
1 to 3  $0.25 
4 to 6  0.50 
6 to 9  0.75 
10 to 12  1.00 
13 to 15  1.25 
16 to 18  1.50 
19 to 21  1.75 
22 to 24  2.00 
25 to 27  2.25 
28 to 30  2.50 
31 to 33  2.75 
34 to 36  3.00 
37 to 39  3.25 
40 to 42  3.50 
43 to 45  3.75 
46 to 48  4.00 
49 to 51  4.25 
52 to 54  4.50 
55 to 58  4.75 
59 to 63  5.00 
64 to 68  5.25 
69 to 74  5.50 
75 to 80  5.75 
81 to 89  6.00 
90 to 99  6.25 

over 100 outlets 0.25 for every ten outlets or any fraction thereof.

Fees on electrical lighting fixtures, shall follow the same
schedule as listed above.


Rating  Fee 
0 to ¼ h. p. (portable)  no charge 
0 to 1 h. p. nonportable  $0.50 
1 h. p. to 5 h. p. inclusive  1.00 
6 h. p. to 15 h. p. inclusive  2.50 
16 h. p. to 25 h. p. inclusive  4.00 


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Over 25 h. p. $.25 for every 5 h. p. or any fraction thereof additional.
Provided that no fee shall be in excess of $10.00.

When one or more motors are under the same roof a permit
shall be required to cover each individual motor on the basis of
its name plate rating.

Generators.—The same fee rate shall apply to generators as
are herein provided for motors, based upon 1 K. W. being equal
to 1 h. p.


Per K. W.  $0.25 

Minimum $0.50 maximum $5.00.

Electric Signs and Marquees.—The number of light outlets
shall govern the fee for electric signs and marquees. The fee
charge shall follow the schedule as prescribed for open or concealed
work to outlets as set forth in this subsection.

Miscellaneous Units and Appliances.—Appliances or apparatus
not herein specified shall be paid for on the basis of the name
plate rating in horse power. The rate shall be the same as for

Sec. 493(8). Inspections—required — preparation for,

All electrical work for which a permit is issued under the
provisions of this Code shall be inspected by the City Electrician
at such stages in the progress of the work as he may consider
necessary in order to determine whether or not the provisions
of this Code have been fulfilled. In the course of such inspections,
the City Electrician shall be empowered to demand that
any uninspected electrical work, which may have become concealed
in the further construction on the given project, be uncovered
and such obstructions moved in order to allow a careful
examination of the work.

Upon the completion of the work covered by a given permit
the person, firm or corporation doing the same shall notify the
City Electrician, who in turn shall make a final inspection of
the work within thirty-six hours thereafter, and shall issue a
certificate of approval on the same, provided the work is satisfactorily


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completed. In case the permit calls for a lighting or
power service, the City Electrician shall certify to the person,
firm or corporation selling power, that the work has passed a
satisfactory inspection; such certification shall be made in writing
on a "Connection Certificate" form provided therefor. In
no case shall a lighting or power service be connected until the
proper inspection has been made and "Connection Certificate"
issued, unless the City Electrician grants at his discretion a
temporary service connection which shall be disconnected on
the verbal request of said City Electrician. In case of the refusal
of the City Electrician to issue the certificates as set forth
in the above, complaint may be made to the City Manager, and
his decision shall be deemed final in the matter.

When additional inspections are necessary due to the failure
of the person, firm or corporation to properly install electrical
work, or for improper notice of completion on a job an additional
fee of $1.00 for each such inspection may be charged at
the discretion of the City Manager.

The installation for electrical appliance for sales purposes only
shall be deemed a temporary installation of the appliance. No
inspection or fee shall be required; but the person, firm or corporation
making the said temporary installation shall notify the
City Electrician of the same. After a period not greater than
ten (10) days the City Electrician shall require that the appliance
be either disconnected or permanently wired and installed,
the necessary permits obtained, and the proper inspection made.

Temporary or decorative wiring for show windows, exhibitions,
conventions, circuses, carnivals, entertainments, etc., may
be made. The term of such temporary wiring shall not be
greater than ten (10) days, except upon written approval of
the City Manager. A regular inspection shall be required on
such temporary wiring, and a fee of one-half the regular rate as
set forth above shall be charged.

Sec. 493(9). Dead wires.

No person, firm or corporation shall maintain or permit "dead
wires" to remain on their poles in or over the streets, nor shall
they erect or maintain any unsafe, unsuitable, or improperly located
pole or poles that are not in accordance with the provisions


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of the city ordinances, nor shall they construct or maintain
in or over the streets of the City any unsafe, unsuitable or improperly
located cross-bars or any defective or improperly installed
or located wires, or electrical apparatus.

Sec. 493(10). Poles.

All poles erected in the City shall be neatly painted by the
owners thereof at their expense, and shall be stenciled, painted
or branded with the owner's name, or initials, some six feet
from the ground.

Sec. 493(11). Electrical construction in streets.

No electrical conductors, wires, conduits, poles, lamps or other
electrical devices or fixtures shall be constructed, erected, strung,
laid, maintained, changed or altered, above, below or in any
street, avenue, park or public place in any part of the City, nor
shall any extension of the electrical conductors either overhead
or underground be made, without the written consent of the City
Electrician. Provided that for any work contemplated which
will require any disturbance of the streets or excavations in them,
or the placing of any obstruction in said streets, such permit
from the City Electrician shall be approved by the City Manager.

And provided that in every case of refusal of a permit by the
City Electrician, the person, firm or corporation that has been refused
such permit may make application to the City Manager for
said permit, whose decision shall be final.

Sec. 493(12). How city wires located.

The uppermost zone on every pole shall at all times be reserved
for the free use of the City in stringing its fire alarms or police
telegraph wires; and no person, firm or corporation shall run
any wire above said City wires, or within less than twenty-two
inches of them, or cross over them, but whenever it becomes
necessary to move the said City wires for any reason the person,
firm or corporation for whose benefit they are moved shall, at
the expense of such person, firm or corporation, provide for
them a place above all the other wires at least twenty-six inches
from them, and shall notify the City Electrician, who shall


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supervise and direct the moving of said City wires, so that they
shall at all times occupy said uppermost zone.

Sec. 493(13). The city electrician is authorized to enter
property or premises for purposes of inspection.

The City Electrician or his duly authorized representative is
hereby authorized and empowered to enter upon any building
or premises in the City for the purpose of seeing that the laws,
rules and regulations in regard to electrical installations are
complied with. Any person, firm or corporation preventing the
City Electrician or his duly authorized representative from entering
any building or premises in the performance of their official
duties or obstruct or hinder them in the performance of
such duties shall be punished as provided in the next subsection.

Sec. 493(14). Penalties.

Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions
of this Chapter shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more
than $25.00. Each day of such violation or failure to conform
to the provisions of this Chapter shall constitute a separate offense.