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[David the man of war]

But Solomon built Him an house. —vii. 47.

David the man of war
The alien hosts o'erthrows,
Type of that mighty Conqueror
Who trod down all His foes,
Who in His mortal days,
By having all subdued
Heap'd exhaustless stores of grace
To build the house of God.


David's immortal Son
Magnificent in power,
Sublime on His celestial throne
He reigns for evermore;
The real Prince of Peace,
The Solomon from on high,
He rears the house of holiness,
And bids it reach the sky.
Before His Father's face
Our Advocate with God
Favour He finds for us, and grace
Through His prevailing blood;
His meritorious death,
Which now He pleads above
Doth peace to all His church bequeath
And pure confirming love.
Who laid the ground alone,
The temple of the Lord
He by His Spirit carries on
And by His hallowing word.
And when the Finisher
Of faith Himself reveals,
The rising church He perfects here
The house with glory fills.