CHAPTER VI. The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ||
[One single minister renew'd]
Stephen, full of faith and power, did great, &c.
—vi. 8.
One single minister renew'd
And fill'd with faith's resistless might,
Does wonders in the cause of God,
Puts Satan's synagogue to flight,
In all his loving toils succeeds,
And Christ among the people spreads.
And fill'd with faith's resistless might,
Does wonders in the cause of God,
Puts Satan's synagogue to flight,
In all his loving toils succeeds,
And Christ among the people spreads.
Such ministry, O Christ ordain,
And fill with power invincible
Thy truth and goodness to maintain
Through Stephen's faith, and fervent zeal
Mighty the alien host to' o'erthrow,
And all Thy gracious wonders show.
And fill with power invincible
Thy truth and goodness to maintain
Through Stephen's faith, and fervent zeal
Mighty the alien host to' o'erthrow,
And all Thy gracious wonders show.
CHAPTER VI. The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ||