University of Virginia Library


Before Meat.


[Father of earth and heaven]


To—“Father, our hearts we lift.”

Father of earth and heaven,
Thy hungry children feed,
Thy grace be to our spirits given,
That true immortal bread!
Grant us and all our race
In Jesus Christ to prove
The sweetness of Thy pardoning grace
The manna of Thy love.


[Jesus, to whom alone we live]


To—“With pity, Lord, a sinner see.”

Jesus, to whom alone we live,
Let us from Thyself receive
Our consecrated food,
In nature's acts Thy will pursue,
And do with faith whate'er we do,
To glorify our God.


O let us of the gift partake
Only for the Giver's sake,
And not ourselves to please;
In all our conversation here
Be Thou our joy, our hope, our fear,
Our total happiness.
Our meanest deeds exalt, improve,
On the altar of Thy love
Accept them, Lord, as Thine;
Consume us in that sacred fire,
And let our hallow'd lives expire
A sacrifice Divine.


[Lord of all, Thy creatures see]


To—“Jesus, dear departed Lord.”

Lord of all, Thy creatures see
Waiting for their food on Thee;
That we may with thanks receive
Give, herewith Thy blessing give;
Fill our mouths with food and praise;
Taste we in the gift the grace,
Take it as through Jesus given,
Eat on earth the bread of heaven.


[Father, accept our sacrifice]


To—“Sinners, obey the gospel word.”

Father, accept our sacrifice,
Through Christ well pleasing in Thine eyes:
Thy glory here we make our aim,
And eat and drink in Jesu's name;
Our food we now with fear receive,
Nor live to eat, but eat to live,


To live till all our work is done,
And serve Thy blessed will alone.


[Jesu, we Thy promise plead]


To—“Hearts of stone, relent, relent.”

Jesu, we Thy promise plead,
Grant the things for which we pray;
Give us, Lord, our daily bread
This and every happy day,
Now our bodies' strength renew,
Feed our needy spirits too.
Comfort every longing heart,
Longing Thee alone to know,
Nourishment Divine impart,
Immaterial bread bestow,
Bread by which our souls may live;
Give, Thyself for ever give!


[O Father of all]


To—“'Tis finish'd, 'tis done!

O Father of all,
Who fillest with good
The ravens that call
On Thee for their food;
Them ready to perish
Thou lov'st to sustain,
And wilt Thou not cherish
The children of men?
On Thee we depend
Our wants to supply,
Whose goodness shall send
Us bread from the sky:


On earth Thou shalt give us
A taste of Thy love,
And shortly receive us
To banquet above.


[O Thou, whose bowels yearn'd to see]


To—“O Love Divine.”

O Thou, whose bowels yearn'd to see
The hungry crowd that follow'd Thee
And nothing had to eat,
Pity again the famish'd throng,
Who have with Thee continued long,
And faint for want of meat.
Jesus, our outward wants relieve,
But O! the food immortal give
Our empty souls to fill;
Sustain us by Thy pardoning grace,
And bring us through this wilderness
To Thy celestial hill.


[Life of the World, come down]


To—“Spirit of Truth, descend.”

Life of the World, come down,
And stir within our breast,
And by Thy presence crown
The sober Christian feast:
Jesus, of life the Bread and Well,
Come at Thy creature's call,
And give our inmost souls to feel
That Thou art all in all.


The tender life of God,
By Thee in us begun,
Sustain with heavenly food,
And ever keep Thine own:
Our faith and hope and joy increase,
Till strong in perfect love
We all with holy violence seize
The crown of life above.