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[Ye sages of the world, be wise]

I say unto you, Refrain from these men, &c. —v. 38, 39.

Ye sages of the world, be wise,
Take the judicious scribe's advice,
And let these men alone:
Their work if plann'd by human thought
Shall soon decay and come to nought,
And prove itself their own.
But if this counsel is Divine,
In vain the powers of earth combine
To hinder or o'erthrow:
Your utmost skill and strength employ,
Man never can the work destroy,
Which God revives below.
Wisely ye may consult, contrive,
Earth's potsherds with your Maker strive,
Your God withstand, defy;


But O 'tis quite impossible
Against the' Almighty to prevail,
Or conquer the Most-High!