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[We witness for our Prince]

We are His witnesses of these things: and, &c. —v. 32.

We witness for our Prince
And Saviour in the sky,


Who doth the soul of sin convince
And freely justify:
At God's right hand He dwells
The double grace to' impart;
He breaks, and then forgiveness seals
On the poor broken heart.
His Spirit too declares
Our Lord enthroned for this,
Working with all the ministers
Of evangelic peace:
Jesus He testifies
Our true eternal God,
Condemns the world, and then applies
That all-atoning blood.
The Father of our Lord
The Holy Ghost hath given,
To sinners saved who keep His word,
The' anointed heirs of heaven:
Who faithfully obey
Their Saviour from above,
And wait His coming in that day
To crown them with His love.