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March 16-22
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March 16-22

Go to church in town for the first time since December. Hear Mr. Meade....Some dear little crocus in bloom. Daddy goes to Richmond on business. A letter from Lizzie Dee. They will be up on Friday. Finish reading The Pilgrim's Progress. This morning [Match 18] at 20 minutes before three o'clock, my dear old uncle [James Hunter Terrel] was ushered into "The Spirit Land." Poor old man! His suffering were very great during the last 14 days, but he is now we know "where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." How little we thought when he took leave of us on Monday, 2nd of Match, it would be a last farewell, but in the midst of life we are in death. His remains were interred at Music Hall on Match 19th. Daddy gets home from Richmond. Sally and Betsy Price arrive on Thursday and our Easter commences. A letter from Lizzie Dee telling us they will not come. Miss Vallant is too sick to come out. How disappointed we are. A call from Mr. Schenk and two Miss Rices. What a quantity of nonsense is talked away. On Friday, Jim, Mr. Pride and Henry make their appearance. This is also Good Friday but we do not go to church. Saturday attend church and hear Bishop Johns ....Tom comes after dinner and brings with him Mr. Whitehead. I suppose we ought to feel honored. A sorry evening.