University of Virginia Library


[Where the poor cease to pay]


Tune—“The Land o' the Leal.”

Where the poor cease to pay,
Go, loved one, and rest!
Thou art wearing away
To the land of the blest.
Our father is gone
Where the wrong'd are forgiven,
And that dearest one,
Thy husband, in heaven.
No toil in despair,
No tyrant, no slave,
No bread-tax is there,
With a maw like the grave.


But the poacher, thy pride,
Whelm'd in ocean afar;
And his brother, who died
Land-butcher'd in war;
And their mother, who sank
Broken-hearted to rest;
And the baby, that drank
'Till it froze on her breast;
With tears, and with smiles,
Are waiting for thee,
In the beautiful isles
Where the wrong'd are the free.
Go, loved one, and rest
Where the poor cease to pay!
To the land of the blest
Thou art wearing away;
But the son of thy pain
Will yet stay with me,
And poor little Jane
Look sadly like thee.