University of Virginia Library


General Thanksgiving.

“We bless Thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life.” —Prayer Book.

Shall lauding Angels round the Throne
Unecho'd, chant their hymns alone,
Nor wake on earth some answ'ring tone?—
Hallelujah! glorious Lord!
Bright though they are in wingèd glory,
Who cast their coronets before Thee
Lamb, and Light of christian story,—
Hallelujah! gracious Lord!
Though purer, calmer, nobler, far,
Blest Angels than thy People are
Who fight in flesh the spirit-war,—
Hallelujah! worship'd Lord!
Still, never can seraphic Heart
In Thy redemption have such part
As they, whose priested God Thou art,—
Hallelujah! perfect Lord!
Forgiven Saints can love Thee most,
Whose guilt has felt the awful cost
Of That which purchased back the Lost,—
Hallelujah! dying Lord!
Thus, lift we, then, our swelling laud
And choral anthems pour abroad,
Enrapt, sublimed, and overawed,—
Hallelujah! risen Lord!
Let all we have be hailèd Thine,
In one vast gift of Grace divine
Descending from th' Eternal Trine,—
Hallelujah! reigning Lord!


Eternity will ne'er recount,
Or, master the untold amount
Of mercies in Salvation's fount,—
Hallelujah! boundless Lord!
Safe in the Ark of Thy dread Hands
Creation firm through Calv'ry stands,
With all its host of seas and lands,—
Hallelujah! saving lord!
Transcendent Giver of all grace!
Sole Ransomer of Adam's race,
Unveil the glories of Thy Face,—
Hallelujah! thronèd Lord!
Let all with each, and each with all,
In endless gratulation fall
Low at Thy Feet, and loudly call,—
Hallelujah! crownèd Lord!
Life's holiness is heaven begun,
Whose Root is that Incarnate One
Of saints and souls the inward Sun,—
Hallelujah! pleading Lord!
From Sin and Self, oh! set us free,
That living hymns our lives may be
In time, as in eternity,—
Hallelujah! All in All!

Heb. iii. 1.