University of Virginia Library



“The throne of God, and of the Lamb.”

Thy kingdom is release from death and sin,
From the heartburnings and the fear and strife;
For the Lamb's Blood, which speaks of endless life,
Is on the door by which we enter in,
Beats in the heart when true life doth begin;
Fills all the veins; each grace which there is rife
Speaks of that Blood; the Church is but the Wife
Of the meek Lamb—the Bride His Blood doth win.
'Tis the slain Lamb that sits upon the throne:
Therefore no place is in that kingdom known
For pride's disquiet, and ambition's pains;
It is the Lamb Himself that all sustains;
All there, in all things, at all seasons own
The love and meekness of the Lamb that reigns.