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The Poetical Entertainer

Or, Tales, Satyrs, Dialogues, And Intrigues, &c. Serious and Comical. All digested into such Verse as most agreeable to the several Subjects. To be publish'd as often as occasion shall offer [by Edward Ward]

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Engrav'd upon a Salver made of all sorts of base Coin, according to the following Particulars.

In Coin I pass'd for some Years since,
Eight Pounds, One Shilling, Seven Pence,
Made up of Silver, Brass, and Spelter,
All mix'd together Helter Skelter:


One Crown-piece, much the worse for wearing;
Forty-six Half-Crowns spoil'd by paring;
Thirty-three Shillings finely rounded;
Four Ninepences almost confounded;
Six Testers very neatly snip'd;
Two Groats that could not well be clip'd;
Four Fourpenoehalfpenies, two broken,
The others bent like Country Token;
One Threepence; Silver Penies two.
From these I chang'd my Form anew.
When I at first was melted down,
I Ounces weigh'd full Twenty-one,
And then each Ounce the Value bore
Of Three and Ninepence and no more;
But oft'ner melted, I at last
Improv'd my Goodness, tho' with waste,
That I but Eighteen Ounces weigh,
And Four and Two-pence is my Say.