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“There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” —Luke xv. 10.

Sing, ye heavens; and, earth, rejoice;
Make to God a cheerful noise:
He the work alone hath done,
He hath glorified His Son.
Sons of God, exulting rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
See the prodigal is come,
Shout to bear the wanderer home!
Strive in joy, with angels strive;
Dead she was, but now's alive:
Loud repeat the glorious sound,
Lost she was, but now is found!
This through ages all along,
This be still the joyous song,
Wide diffused o'er earth abroad,
Music in the ears of God.
Rescued from the fowler's snare,
Jesus spreads His arms for her;


Jesu's arms her sacred fence:—
Come, ye fiends, and pluck her thence!
Thence she never shall remove,
Safe in His redeeming love:
This the purchase of His groans!
This the soul He died for once!
Now the gracious Father smiles,
Now the Saviour boasts His spoils;
Now the Spirit grieves no more:
Sing, ye heavens; and, earth, adore!