University of Virginia Library


To the Memory Of the Reverend Mr John Bonar.

Magnum sui desiderium moriens reliquit.

By all the wise admir'd, the good esteem'd,
For what he really was, not barely seem'd;
Form'd upon Virtue's amiable plan,
An honest, upright, candid, worthy man;
Whose conduct not ev'n Slander e'er pursu'd,
Which still the brighter shone, the nearer view'd;
Though plac'd in public life, where, to espy
Each word, each act, is center'd ev'ry eye;
Where trivial slips and blemishes arise
To grossest faults in the stern censor's eyes:
Thus Bonar liv'd; and to life's period brought,
Died, as an humble, modest Christian ought.
O reader, now howe'er your views aspire,
May you with equal dignity retire.