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Latine Songs

With their English: and Poems. By Henry Bold ... Collected and perfected by Captain William Bold

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On one Grace C. an Insatiate Whore.

Go shameful Model of a Cursed Whore!
Damn'd by Creation ever to be poor!
Tho' Cloth'd in Indian Silk, or what may be,
Consumed on thy matchless Venery.
Thou Eldest Daughter to the Prince of Night,
That can'st out-ly thy Father at first Sight.
Out-Scoff an Ishmaelite and attempt more,
Than all our Wicked Age hath done before.


Nay where the Devil ends, thou can'st begin,
And teach both him and us, new ways to sin;
Making us to conclude that all bad Crimes
Are but thy peices Coppy'd by the times.
Surely thou wert born a Whore from the Womb
Of some Rank Baud, Unsavory's a Tomb.
That Carted from all Parishes did sell
Forbidden Fruit in the high way to Hell.
If 'twere not Sin to Curse, would they might have
Thee in Esteem, as an insatiate Grave!
And when with old age and diseases crost,
(The patient Grissel of thy Nose being lost)
Let every Hospital grudg and repine,
To give thee one poor plaister for thy Groyne.
And ne're let any Man bemone the Case
That ever knew thee in the State of Grace Cook