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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Love without Additionals.
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Love without Additionals.


Of the kind boy I ask no red and white
To make up my delight,
No odd becoming graces,
Black eyes, or little know not what's in Faces;
Make me but mad enough, give me good store
Of Love, for her I court,
I ask no more;
'Tis Love in Love that makes the sport.


There's no such thing as that, we Beauty call,
It is meer couzenage all;
For though some long ago
Lik't certain colours mingled so and so,
That doth not tie me now from chusing new,
If I a fancy take
To black and blew,
That fancy doth it Beauty make.


'Tis not the meat, but 'tis the appetite
Makes eating a delight;
And if I like one dish
More than another, that a Phesant is:
What in our Matches, may in us be found,
So to the height, and nick
We up be bound,
No matter by what hand or trick.