The South English Legendary | ||
Nou het he longe þere biuore Moises bi olde dawe
Vpe þe hul of Synay þo he made þe olde lawe
Þat me ssolde ech ȝer þulke tyme sacrefise do
Of a lomb þat clene were [] & at þe hei uol also
Hit bitokneþ al þat he wolde for us imartred be[o]
In þe heiuol [at] þulke time & bugge us on þe tre[o]
Nou moste þis bi eche reson nede be[o] ido
In þe heiuol of þe mone & bi Friday also
Vpe þe hul of Synay þo he made þe olde lawe
Þat me ssolde ech ȝer þulke tyme sacrefise do
Of a lomb þat clene were [] & at þe hei uol also
Hit bitokneþ al þat he wolde for us imartred be[o]
In þe heiuol [at] þulke time & bugge us on þe tre[o]
Nou moste þis bi eche reson nede be[o] ido
And in oure Leuedi day ek þe s[u]nne was ferst iwroȝt
Þulke day bi eche reson he moste neode be[o] [iboȝt]
Þere [fore] he abod alle þre[o] a[r] he were to deþe ido
Oure Leuedi day & eke Friday and heiuol also
As it fel in þulke ȝere þat Friday it was
And heiuol & oure Leuedi day as oure Louerd ȝaf þat cas
Þulke day bi eche reson he moste neode be[o] [iboȝt]
Þere [fore] he abod alle þre[o] a[r] he were to deþe ido
Oure Leuedi day & eke Friday and heiuol also
As it fel in þulke ȝere þat Friday it was
And heiuol & oure Leuedi day as oure Louerd ȝaf þat cas
Ac nou wiþinne vale ȝer wel selde ualþ þis
Þe nexte Friday we nimeþ þeruore þat after þe heiuol is
And holdeþ þanne oure Gode Friday & þe þridde day anon
Þere after we nymeþ oure Ester day as ȝe witeþ echon
And oure Louerdes fleiss vnderfongeþ wiþ is holy blode
[Þat] he ȝaf to stronge deþe for us in þe rode
Nou God for is holy body þat for us was inome
Lete us so is fleiss auonge þat we to heuene come
Þe Rouisons ne comeþ neuere biuore sein Markes day
Þer uore we wolleþ of hom telle in þe biginnynge of May
Þe nexte Friday we nimeþ þeruore þat after þe heiuol is
And holdeþ þanne oure Gode Friday & þe þridde day anon
Þere after we nymeþ oure Ester day as ȝe witeþ echon
And oure Louerdes fleiss vnderfongeþ wiþ is holy blode
[Þat] he ȝaf to stronge deþe for us in þe rode
Nou God for is holy body þat for us was inome
Lete us so is fleiss auonge þat we to heuene come
Þe Rouisons ne comeþ neuere biuore sein Markes day
Þer uore we wolleþ of hom telle in þe biginnynge of May
The South English Legendary | ||