University of Virginia Library

Notantur tres cause quare dominus precepit vt quadragessimo die dei filius in materiale templum offertur, Et prima hec est.

Thre causes I fynde, as ȝe schun se,
whi God ordenet the fourty day
a knaue chyld forto offert be
to the temple, as I schal ow say.
The furst cause may wel be this,
for in natures redun we
that after a son conceyuet ys
the fourty day ful schap has he
and saule in-to hys body putte,
therfore ordenet hyt is ay
the wommon holly to be schutte
of vnclannes the fourty day.

Hec in Historiis Scolasticis.

The secund cause fo[r]sotht i-wys
ys thys þat I schal sone say,
sithyne a gost that al clene is
and wemmeles als by vch way,
When hyt is putte to that body,
as I haue sayd, the fourty day,
that clene saule, as leue I,
whit flesche is foulut in gode fay.


Therfore hit his right gode resoun
the fourty day ho clensut be,
and childe als whit deuocioun
to temple offert, thinges me,
And so bi certeyne offryng
make clene that furst fuylet was,
and to temple hym to bring
forto gete the more grace.
The thryde cause is couenable
that we schin wel vndur-stonde wel this,
to heuenly temple we ben able
to be offert to i-wys,
ȝyf we don welle for-euermore
Goddes ten comondmentȝ
And four ewangelistes lore
wihitouten defaute or any offensse.

Quod in concipiendo feminam dies duplicatur.

When wommon conceyuet hade
A maiden child & hit wer born,
As þe lagh mynde made,
thes daies doublide wer biforn,
Both of fourmyng & lif takyng,
As natures maken fully mynde,
til four score, nys no lyuyng,
in maiden child by way of kynde.
ffor in les daies þen four score
A wommon fourmet ne saulet is,
therfore þe moder so mich more
most abide nothing amys


fforto purifiet be,
As Moyses laȝe þen vset was,
And so long time to haue entre
Into þe temple thai hade no grace,
Therfore sithen time of fourmyng
of mon is er þen of wommon,
And als of lif & gost ȝyuyng,
by verray skil preue þis I con,
That womman after a son beryng
shal soner purifiet be,
And spiritual skilles, as me gode think,
I shal showe as ȝe shyn se.