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Philomythie or Philomythologie

wherein Outlandish Birds, Beasts, and Fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely. By Tho: Scot ... The second edition much inlarged

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DEDICATED To the Common-wealth.

Desert hath no true follower after death
But Enuy; others flatter with their breath.
Jn vaine I sought particular Patrons; they
When life left greatnesse, ran with life away.
Blood, kindred, friends, forsooke him: so't was fit,
We might haue doubted else his worth and wit.
Their compasse was too narrow to yield shade
To him that both their rootes and fortunes made:
But gentle England, since he quiet gaue
To thee by his cares, giue his corps a graue.
And since his wisdome did renowne thy name,
Be thou a Sanctuary to his fame.
And since he gaue for thee his life and health,
Giue him protection, thankefull Common-wealth.