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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman
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The Argvment.

Neptune (in pittie of the Greeks hard plight)
Like Calchas, both th' Aiaces, doth excite
And others; to repell, the charging foe.
Idomeneus, brauely doth bestow
His kingly forces; and doth sacrifice
Othryoneus to the Destinies;
With diuers other. Faire Deiphobus,
And his prophetique brother Hellenus
Are wounded. But the great Priamides,
(Gathering his forces) hartens their addresse
Against the enemie; and then, the field,
A mightie death, on either side doth yeeld.