University of Virginia Library

Mordack, 60th King,

Rang the Yeer of Christ 715, fra the begining of the Kingdome 1045, and Rang 15 Yeers.

A holy, Happy, and a humble Prence,
Most Loving, Bounteful, and Liberall:
By his Discretion, and his Diligence,
He brought to Peace, the Albion Prences all;
With Britons, Pights, & th'Englishe too, from Armes,
And thay with him, h' a Fedracie conferms.
THIS publick Peace, in Albeon, all whare,
(Whairof the Revrend Bede, his Glorie tells:
This Prence of will, dispos'd for to Repare,
All ruind Rowmes, Importonnd and Compells:
Which he much more Magnificent did mak,
That Vrong, and Warrs, before he was, did wrak.