University of Virginia Library

Psal. 62. Nonne Deo?

Ad Præstantem, apud Jeduthun. Psalmus Davidis.


On God my silent soule attends,
his seasons (surely) heeds:
To him my safeties care commends,
from whom my health proceeds.


He surely is my Rocke of power,
and my salvation prov'd:
My hold, my high-defensive tower,
I shall not much be mov'd.


How long on mischiefe will ye thinke?
Man-slayers, slaughtred all,
Ye like a ruin'd fense shall sinke,
and like a shaken wall.


His dignity how to suppresse,
their counsells they convert:
Delight in lies, with mouth they blesse,
but curse within their heart.



On God, yet never thou the lesse,
my silent soule, attend:
From whom my hopefull patientnesse
expects a happy end.


He surely is my Rocke of power,
and my salvation prov'd:
My hold, my high-defensive tower,
I shall not be remov'd.



In God is my Salvations port,
my Glories lofty crest,
Rocke of my strength, in God my Fort,
my Confidences rest.


O people, trust in him alway,
your heart before him powre:
For of our hopes God is the stay,
our safeties trusty towre.


Sure, Adams sonnes are vanitie,
and lighter in account:
The best together weigh'd, a lie,
and make the ballance mount.


Trust not in wrong, to reap your part,
in rapine be not vaine:
If wealth encrease, set not your heart
on baited lures of gaine.


God spake at once, which twice I heard,
“To God the power pertaines;
Of punishment, and of reward,
of pardons, and of paines.


And mercy, Lord, in thee alone
exceeds, from thee proceeds:
For thou wilt render every one
according to his deeds.