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Galathea speakis to Pamphilus.

Galathea speakis to Pamphilus.

Declair our doings to the auld wife now,
As gif that sche, thame neuer knew nor kend,
That sche may vnderstand the maner how,
That all this matter, hes bene brocht till end:
To speir that thing at you, sche dois pretend,
Quhilk sche in counsall, did hir selfe decre,
That sche micht seme, In that sche did offend,
Into na wais, for to haue troublit me.
Ye and the wife, ambiguously but feir,
Hes trumpit me, as I the truth may tell,

The mater is maid euident and cleir,
Be the effects, and takins of it sell:
And as the fisch, efter the taking snell,
Persauis the huke, quhen sche na mair may do,
Swa seis the mind of man, the fraud so fell,
And subtill snair, quhilk he is tane into.
Quhat sall I do, to quhat part sall I ply,
I wander man, throuch all the warld astray,
My Parents iustly, may me now deny,
And at thair dur, debar me out for ay,
With wauering eis, I luke to euery way,
Quhilis heir, quhilis thair, in euery airt athort,
I se na comfort, quhairvpoun to stay,
Maist caitif woman, void of all support.