University of Virginia Library

Psal. xv.

ô Iehoua quho shall abyde
into thy tent & holy place
or quho shall duell all tyme & tyde
into thy holy hill of grace
euen he quho ualkis in richteouse trace
& iustice doth exerce all uaye
& speikis the treuth in euery cace
euen as his mynde doth think it ay.
quhoise tounge no sclandrouse thing doth speik
quho hairmes his fellou nocht at all
nor uses no reproches eik
to mak his nichbouris fame to fall
before quhose eyes both is & shall
the persone uylde reiected be
bot those on god uith feare that call
he honouris as in hie degree.


quhoise othe thoch it micht hairme him syne
is notuithstanding keipit richt
nor occoure makis of siluer fyne
nor can persuadit be by slicht
to tak buddis gainst the guiltles uicht
he that doth all reherst befoire
shall not be mouit by any micht
bot floorish ay & euermoire.
I. D. R. S.