University of Virginia Library


Mrl, Danke, Arigato: to a
beautiful bunch of people; for the
most fruitful birthday ever!
'Bopper from Delawars. *(3633)

Summerjob – man wanted to help
convert old barn in house. Must
be experienced in construction
work. Writ DGK, Hedge Hall,
Covesville, Va, Stating previous
construction experience and money
needs. *(3629)

This weekend at the Prism: Pat
Chamberlain. Wed. nights are free;
come play, jam or just listen. *(F)

Travel free or earn good
commissions. Campus
representative wanted for student
European travel programs.
Excellent opportunity. Write: Mr.
Hardoon, Dept. -V-3, 76
Commonwealth Avenue, Boston,
Massachusetts 02116. *(3639)

Are you over-weight? Maybe we
can help you! Research Diet Study.
Call 924-5121. *(3566)

Economos Men's Hairstyling "only
the Best." Layer cuts, limitless
shaggs, conservative cuts, functional
mobile, perfect geomatric haircut.
Your choice any length or style. 8
bucks. By appointment 293-3422
Meadowbrook Shopping Center.