University of Virginia Library


Time for winter tuneup. Ripley
Bros. Domestic & Foreign Auto
Repairs. Avon St. Extended.

Friends of the Earth need the use
of your pickup or van to collect
newspapers every Friday afternoon.
Call 977-4625.

Finally! Gaslight open for Sunday
dinners–with entertainment of the
"Virginia Ensemble Theatre" – call
for reservations and details.

Ecology starts inside, your body
and the CARROT CAFE–No. 9
Elliewood Ave. Open 11:30 to 9:00
p.m. Mon. thru Sat. Are you ready?

Just the best Piano Player in area –
playing Gaslight Restaurant this
Wednesday for dinner – But jazz
after nine!!

Come to the Carrot Cafe on a
sunny, rainy or cloudy day...
We'll fill you up and help you out
– Come and try our alfalfa sprouts.
9 Elliewood Ave. "Behind the

Taman tomorrow, Tahini today.
Kikicha Twig Tea & cheese ole! A
jug of cider, a bowl of rice, lots of
good food at the right price. John
& Apples Natural Foods Store. 9
Elliewood Ave. 'Behind the Corner'