University of Virginia Library


HIUS 138: Avoid the hassle of note
taking. Relax and enjoy the
lectures. Deans List Student will
duplicate comprehensive Lecture
notes for general distribution.
Prepaid orders (5$) accepted up to
one week prior to midterm or final
823-5762, evenings.

CORKS & CURLS subscription
payments deadline has been
extended to March 15. After that
date subscribers will incur a 5%
service charge. New subscriptions
made after this date will be $12.50.

WANTED: typing to do at home.
Call Kathy Profit between 5:30
p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at 293-7975.

"Thoreau is perhaps the finest
contemporary play to come along
in some time." - Washington Star

Hiking and Backpacking
Equipment. Free Catalog.
Timberline Trails, 215 Zelley,
Moorestown, N.J. 08057