University of Virginia Library


Seats still available on U. Union
group flight. Final payment due
Wed. May 6. Reserve now for
reliable TWA service. Call

Whoop Moffitt memorial tournament
May 2 - for more info.
295-1916 or stop by 1705 JPA.

No job this summer? Why not
summer in Kibbutz in Israel. Write:
Summer in Kibbutz., 515 Park Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10022.

Photographs for graduate school
applications, college applications, I
ROTC, OCS, and so forth. One day
service, reasonably prod, Negatives
kept on file for future years. Phone
Gitchell's studio, 296-7558, 107 E,
Main St.

Whoop Moffitt died with a stencil
between his eyes after running
4082 marbleal

Fly to Europe, N.Y.-London
roundtrip, June 11-Sept. 1, $219
only a few seats left. 295-0344.

Metcalf conspiracy gives greetings
to comrade Rubin and once
again expresses its solidarity with
the revolution Seize the time.