University of Virginia Library


Was born in South Berwick, Maine, on April 17, 1825. In Mobile, Alabama,
in 1863, the Rector of Christ Church officiating, he married
Georgia Smith, of Mobile. Their children are three daughters, Virginia,
Georgia, and Ella Elizabeth, and one son: Sidney Wallingford. Mr.
Goodwin entered the Confederate States Army as first sergeant of the
Mobile Rifles, which became Company K, 3d Alabama regiment. With
this he was in active service, under Gens. Jones M. Withers, Braxton
Bragg, and Joseph E. Johnston, until transferred to the Virginia and
Tennessee Railroad, under Col. R. L. Owen. From that time to the
close of the war he served the Confederate States government as superintendent
of this road. He remained with the same road under General
Mahone, until 1871, was then in Texas on railroad work until 1883,
then in Tennessee on the F., T. & Va. R. R., until in 1887 he returned
to Virginia, on the N. & W. R. R. He is now serving as chief civil
engineer on the Lynchburg & Durham R. R.