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LVIII. Treasurer and Council for Virginia. A Commission to William Wye June 17, 1619
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LVIII. Treasurer and Council for Virginia. A Commission to
William Wye
June 17, 1619

Admiralty Court, Instance and Prize, Libels 80, No. 123
Document in the Public Record Office, London, in the records of the suit of the
Virginia Company with Wye, 1620
List of Records No. 110

Prima schedula de qua fit menc̃o in artis p̃ntibus annexis

A Comission granted by vs the Treasurer Counsell and Company for
Virginia vnto our loving freind Will͠m Wye for a voyage intended to

Whereas wee the Treasurer Counsell and company for Virginia for the
better advancemt and support of that plantation have wth very good liking
geven or consent to have such as have furnished out one good shipp called
the Garland of London of the burden of two hundred and fifty Tunnes or
thereaboutℯ to passe wth all convenient expidition vnto the Colonies
there planted, Will͠m Wye being ordeyned Mr and captaine thereof, and
to com̄and and govern the said shipp and marriners as allsoe all the
passengers aswell such as are shipped for the Somer Ilandℯ to be landed
there in the voyage outward bound being one hundred and thirty persons
in number as allsoe such others as are putt abord to be transported for a
particuler plantation intended in Virginia together wth those necessarie
p̳visions of all kindℯ shipped by sundry Adventurers for the vse and
supply of theyr Tenaantℯ heretofore and now to be planted in every of
the said Colonies Wee doe therfore hereby Charge him to take his direct
course (according to his best skill and knowledg) vnto the said plantac̃ons,
and first to putt on land the said passengers appointed for the Som̄er
Ilandℯ, and to deliver them safely to the charge of Captaine Miles Kendall
Deputy Governor or to such other comaunder as he shall finde there
prsent wth all their p̳visions belonging vnto them. And the rest being
forty persons to land them in Virginia, and to com̄itt them and all goodℯ
shipped for their vse to the Governmt and disposing first of Wilɫm fferrar
Esquire if he be there resident, if otherwise to the charge of captaine
ffrancis Whitney Esquire now imbarqued for the voyage, and in default


of both to the com̄aund of Sr George Yardly knight Governor and Captaine
generall of Virginia to be by him disposed of and imployed according to
such Direcc̃ons as from hence he shalbe advised vnto Streightly charging
and comaunding the said Wilɫm Wye to sett sayle from England wth the
first opportunity of winde, and to make all possible speed he may to the
portℯ intended, and not to interrupt any shipping of the subiectℯ of any his
Maties freindℯ or allies or any other whatsoever during his said voyage.
But if he shalbe chased or encountred by any man of warr or other saile
whatsoever that shall goe about to hinder his p̳ceedingℯ or doe him any
violence In such cases according to the power granted to vs by his Matie
we will and comaund him wth all his power and vttermost endevour to
repell resist and defend himselfe and our honors against the vniust force
of what nation soever aswell in his passage outwardℯ and homewardℯ as
in all our harbors and rivers members of the Territories of our Plantation.
And this our Comission shalbe his sufficient warrant herein. In witnes
wherevnto we have herevnto annexed or com̄on seale.

Dated this seaventeenth Day of June 1619 And in the yeers of the raigne
of our soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god King of England
Scotland ffrance and Ireland Defender of the faith &c. of England ffrance
and Ireland the seaventeenth, and of Scotland the three and fiftith