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IUNE THE VIJth, 1619. A Preparatiue Court held for the Virginia Company at Mr. fferrars Howse in St Sithes Lane.
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IUNE THE VIJth, 1619.
A Preparatiue Court held for the Virginia
Company at Mr
. fferrars Howse in St Sithes Lane.


Sr Edwin Sandis Knt Thr̃er. 
Sr Iohn Dãuers.  mr Ri: Tomlins.  mr Hen: Briggs. 
Sr Nath. Rich.  mr Hen: Reignoldℯ.  mr fferrar iunior
mr Io: Wroth.  Capt Io: Bingham.  mr Bamford. 
mr fferrar Dpt̃.  Capt Io: Bargraue.  mr Berblock. 
mr Dr Anthony.  mr Robt: Smith.  mr Caswell. 
mr Tho: Gibbs.  mr Edw: Ditchfield.  mr Iadwine etc. 

The standing lawes and orders formerly allowed and confirmed by
diuers Quarter Courts touching the graunts and Pattents of Land,
and the duty appertayning to euery perticuler Office, being reduced
by a Comittie into one entire body; vnto wch the Counsell being
assembled, haue allowed thereof, and being now presented to this
Court, was red for the preparing them for the confirmac̃on of the
Quarter Court ensuing.

Whereas the writt of Appeale put in by Captaine Brewster against
Capt. Samuell Argoll is to be answered at the next Quarter Court,
wch depends more vpon matter of Lawe then fact: and being a [9]
question whither Marshall lawe be a iustifiable proceeding in such a
Crime, Order was giuen that the L̃res Pattentℯ might be ready at that
time to collect what Light they can touching the same.

And forasmuch as about the time of the Graunt of the first L̃res
Pattents, there were also Instrucc̃ons giuen by his Maty vnder the
Priuy seale to the Treasuror and Company of Virginia, for the gov-
erning of the Plantac̃on, A coppie of wch mr Treasuror hauing now


founde in the Ancient Court Rowles wch before he neuer heard of;
And inasmuch as they are to be proceeded in wth greate care and
advise, Sr Tho: Smith is desired (if it may be) to send in the Originall.

A petic̃on was preferred by Capt Bargraue touching his suite com-
enced in the Chauncery against the Adventurers of the Ioint stock, was
referred to a Comittee, viz to mr Tomlins, mr Rogers, mr Bamford,
mr Briggs mr fferrar Iunior, mr Berblock or any three of them to meete
at this place to morrow at two of the Clock in the Afternoone.

By order of Court, vnder the Seale of the Company mr Lott Peere
receiued his Quietus est for his imployment in the ffiue shillings Lot-
tery, by two seuerall Accountℯ, and had paid Sr Edwin Sandis Thr̃er
for the foote of one Acco—116—9—11—and for the foote of his other

That mr Thr̃er moue the Quarter Court to take order for the paying
of prizes in the Lottery.

The Auditors made allowance of Twelue single shares of Twelue
poundℯ ten shillings apeece belonging to sundry Adventurers, all of
them being passed ouer to the parties herevnder named

  • Iohn Hodgson—251i passed to ffrancis Whitney Esqr.
  • Iohn Tauernor—371i—10s to Thomas Shepherd Mercht.
  • Martine Earle—12—10 to Nicho: Buckeridge Mercht.
to Richard Boothbie merchant. 
to Dr Thomas Winstone. 
Dr Lawrence Böhun fiue shares of 12:10:a
to Hugh Windham Mercht
to Iohn Tucker Merchant. 
to Iohn Strange. 
  • Capt Edw: Brewster 1 share to Wm Cranmer Mercht. [10]