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Page 99



In September, 1912, the University inaugurated a system of extension
lectures by which the services of various professors are offered each session
to any community in the State which signifies its desire to hear one
or more of these lectures. No charge is made beyond the lecturer's necessary
expenses. No fee need be paid to the lecturer. Applicants for
these lectures should indicate a first, second and third choice of speakers,
because it is not always possible for a professor to leave his work in the
University, and each one can accept only a limited number of engagements.
Information as to the necessary arrangements may be obtained
by addressing the Bureau of Appointments, University, Virginia.

E. A. Alderman, President: Great Peace Congresses of the World;
Causes of the European War; The Organization of Democracy.

H. L. Alden, Adjunct Professor of Astronomy: The Wonders of Space
(Illustrated); A Trip Through the Solar System (Illustrated); Infinitudes
and Infinitesimals.

J. C. Bardin, Associate Professor of Romanic Languages: Why the
United States Should Be Interested in The West Indies; What Is
Latin-America, and Who Are The Latin-Americans?

R. B. Bean, Professor of Anatomy: Types of Man; The Growth of Children.

E. I. Carruthers, Bursar: The Call of Commerce for College Trained

J. S. Davis, Professor of the Practice of Medicine: The Effect of Alcohol
on the Human Body and Mind.

A. M. Dobie, Professor of Law: Law and Language; Law and Morality;
Intelligence Publications; An Investment in Accuracy.

G. O. Ferguson, Jr., Professor of Educational Psychology: The Money
Value of Education; Your County—its Wealth and its Schools; Backward
and Gifted Children; The Intelligence of 140,000 men at Camp
Lee; Intelligence Tests in Business and Industry; The Psychology of
the Negro.

Thomas Fitz-Hugh, Professor of Latin: The Story of Man in Art; Jefferson
the Classicist; George Long and the Early Days of the University;
Shakespeare's Romans.

W. M. Forrest, Professor of Biblical History and Literature: The Literary
Value of the English Bible; The Making of the Bible; The Hebrew
Prophets; The Wise Men of Israel; St. Paul the Man; What
High School Pupils Ought to Know about the Bible.


Page 100

A. W. Giles, Adjunct Professor of Geology: The Age of the Earth; Climates
of Geologic Time; Virginia Scenery and its Geologic Interpretation;
The Coal Resources of Southwest Virginia.

R. C. Jones, State Forester: The Proper State Forest Policy for Virginia;
How Owners of Timberland Can Practice Forestry in Virginia;
The Immediate Necessity of a State Forest-Fire-Protection System
in Virginia.

H. E. Jordan, Professor of Histology and Embryology: Lessons from the
Life and Work of Louis Pasteur.

W. A. Kepner, Professor of Biology: Animal Activities; The Place of
Education in Life.

I. F. Lewis, Professor of Biology and Agriculture: The Biological Factor
in History; Darwinism Today.

J. L. Manahan, Professor of Educational Administration: How to Know
your Home County and Community; The Public School as an Educational
Laboratory; Improving Instruction Through Educational
Measurement; School and Community Coöperation; Standard Tests
and Educational Administration; Parent-Teachers' Associations at

C. G. Maphis, Professor of Secondary Education: The Report of the Virginia
Education Commission; The Effect of the War on Our Educational
Aims and Ideals; Thomas Jefferson as Revealed by His Letters;
University Extension.

J. C. Metcalf, Professor of English: The Newer Poetry; Americanism in
Literature; The Drama in America.

J. M. Page, Dean of the University: Relations between the University and
High Schools; The Teaching of Elementary Mathematics.

Lindsay Rogers, Associate Professor of Political Science: Problems of
Representative Government; The Industrial Outlook; The International

W. R. Smithey, Professor of Education: The School as a Social Institution;
The Principles of Leadership.

T. R. Snavely, Adjunct Professor of Economics: Economic Aspects of
Reconstruction; Paying the Cost of the War; Future Relations between
Labor and Capital; Mobilizing the Community; Problems of
Taxation in Virginia; Some Aspects of the Negro Problem.

W. M. Thornton, Dean of the Department of Engineering: The Farmer's
Roads and How to Improve Them; Macadam and His Followers; The
Automobile and the Roads of the Future.

R. H. Webb, Professor of Greek: The Life of the Ancient Greeks; Greek
Athletics; Recent Discoveries of Greek Literature.