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The Academic Year extends from the morning of the Thursday
preceding the seventeenth of September to the evening of the Wednesday
before the nineteenth of June. Thanksgiving Day is a holiday,
and there is a Christmas recess beginning on the morning of
the twenty-fourth of December and closing on the evening of the
second of January.

Attendance is required of each student throughout the entire
session, with the exception of the days above indicated, unless he
has received permission to be temporarily absent, or to withdraw
before its close. Leave of absence is granted by the deans for
sufficient reasons, and must in every case be obtained in advance.
Voluntary withdrawal requires the written consent of the student's
professors and of the dean of the university. While in residence
each student is required to attend regularly all lectures and other
prescribed exercises and all examinations in the courses which he
pursues (unless excused for cause) and in every way to conform to
the regulations of the university.

Absence from the university is permitted upon the written leave
of the dean of the department in which the student is registered,
obtained in every case in advance. But leaves of absence for the
purpose of accompanying the athletic teams or musical clubs on
excursions will not be granted, except to the officers and members
of the organizations.

Absence of Athletic Teams and Other Student Organizations.
The laws relating to absence from the university of members
of the Athletic teams are found in the section upon Physical


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Training (pp. 294-295). The same resolutions apply, mutatis mutandis,
to members of other student organizations.

Absence from Lectures may be excused by the professors, but
only for sickness or like providential cause. Such excuses must be
rendered on the day of the first lecture attended after the absence.
Unexcused absences from lectures render the student liable to be
disciplined by the faculty. In case of delayed entrance the student
is regarded as having been absent from all lectures or other
exercises that have been given, in the courses which he enters, since
the beginning of the session.

Absence from Examinations will not be excused except for
sickness on the day of examination (attested by a physician's certificate)
or other cause which the faculty of the department by special
order may approve. An unexcused absence, or the presentation
of an unpledged paper, is counted as a total failure in the examination
in which it occurs. A student whose absence from examination
is excused is admitted to the Fall Examination in the subject
in question in each of the departments where such examinations
are held. Where necessary, he is admitted to a special examination.

Change of Schools, with transfer of fees, cannot be made except
by special order of the faculty. But a student may change
from one class to another of the same school with the advice and
consent of the professors concerned.

The Grade of the Student in any course, either for a term or
for the session, is determined by the combined class standing and
the result of examination, each being considered in such proportion
as the professor in charge may decide for the course in question.

Class Standing in any course is determined by the regularity
of attendance of the student upon the lectures (and laboratory or
other similar exercises where included) in the course in question,
and by the faithful performance of his work as indicated by his
answers when questioned, by his written exercises, notebooks, the
faithful performance of laboratory (or other similar) work, etc.
Students are regarded by the faculty as under the law of honor in
matters affecting class standing as in examinations.

The Grades for Passing in any course, required by the various
departments of the university, are as follows:

in the College, the Department of Graduate Studies, the
Department of Engineering, and the Department of
75 per centum 
in the Department of Medicine  80 per centum 
in the Department of Law  83 per centum 


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Re-examination in September.—A student of the College, of the
Department of Graduate Studies, or of the Department of Engineering,
who attains in any course a grade for the session below 75
per cent, but not below 65 per cent, may, upon written recommendation
of the professor in charge of the course, be admitted by the
faculty of the department at their final meeting in June to re-examination
upon that course during the registration week of the following
September. The fee for each re-examination is $5.00, and
must be paid to the bursar on or before July fifteenth preceding
the opening of the session.

Minimum Grade Required of College and Engineering Students.
Any student in the College or in the Department of Engineering
whose average grade on all courses for any term is less than 40
per cent will be dropped from the rolls of the university. Any
student who makes an average of 40 per cent or more, at the end
of any term, but whose grade on each of his courses is less than
65 per cent will be put on probation for the term next ensuing.
The student on probation who again makes less than 65 per cent on
each of his courses at the end of the current term, will be dropped
from the rolls.

A student in any department of the university who is evidently
making no real progress in one of his courses of study may at any
time, after due admonition, be required to drop the course in question.
A student in the College or the Department of Engineering
who falls under this rule will be put upon probation if he fails to
attain a grade of 40 per cent in a single one of his remaining courses
at a succeeding examination.

Voluntary Withdrawal from the university requires the written
consent of the student's professors and of the dean of the university.
When a permit is granted upon the university physician's
certificate that withdrawal is necessary on account of the student's
ill-health, which must not be due to dissolute conduct, the fees are
returned pro rata. Under no other circumstances will there be a
return of fees.

Enforced Withdrawal is inflicted by the faculty for habitual
delinquency in class, habitual idleness, or any other fault which
prevents the student from fulfilling the purposes for which he should
have come to the university. See also "Minimum Grade" above.