University of Virginia Library

Miss Oldom's Adventure.

Miss Cornelia Oldom, of Kentucky, displayed courage
and address equally brilliant, in the recovery of her horse
from a band of rebel marauders.

Her father lives near Mount Sterling, in the hills of
Eastern Kentucky. The Confederates came to the house


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in his absence, and were about to take all his horses, including
a large and beautiful animal belonging to the young
lady. Notwithstanding her earnest remonstrances, they
started off with her horse, when she sprang upon the back
of another, which was standing near, and galloped to town
as swiftly as possible to give the alarm. On her way home
she saw, on the roadside, a pair of holsters containing pistols.
Quickly dismounting, she found the weapons loaded,
and taking them with her, hurried after the horse thieves.
One of them was riding her beautiful pet. She dashed up
to him, and ordered him to dismount, with a grace and decision
worthy of Di Vernon. Finding he was dealing with
a resolute character, and seeing something in her eye which
looked dangerous, he surrendered her favorite steed.
When she had regained his back and patted his neck, the
noble creature seemed to know how much he owed to his
fearless mistress.