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[Happy the multitude]

The multitude of them that believed were of, &c. —iv. 32.

Happy the multitude
(But far above our sphere)
Redeem'd by Jesus' blood
From all we covet here!
To Him, and to each other join'd
They all were of one heart and mind.
His blood the cement was
Who died on Calvary,


And fasten'd to His cross
They could not disagree;
One soul did all the members move,
The soul of harmony and love.
Jesus Thy church inspire
With apostolic love,
Infuse the one desire
To' ensure our wealth above,
Freely with earthly goods to part,
And joyfully sell all in heart.
With Thy pure Spirit fill'd,
And loving Thee alone,
We shall our substance yield,
Call nothing here our own,
Whate'er we have or are submit,
And lie as beggars at Thy feet.