CHAPTER III. The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ||
[I in this emblem see]
And a certain man lame from his mother's, &c.
—iii. 2, 3.
I in this emblem see
My own unhappy case,
My nature's poverty
And utter helplessness;
So impotent to good I am,
Who from the womb a cripple came.
My own unhappy case,
My nature's poverty
And utter helplessness;
So impotent to good I am,
Who from the womb a cripple came.
Here at the Temple's gate
(The real Temple,) I
A feeble beggar wait,
And for His mercy cry,
Who only can my wants relieve,
And power and peace, and pardon give.
(The real Temple,) I
A feeble beggar wait,
And for His mercy cry,
And power and peace, and pardon give.
Day after day distress'd
On Jesus I attend,
And urging my request
Besiege the sinner's Friend;
In patient prayer expect a cure,
Till He pronounce my pardon sure.
On Jesus I attend,
And urging my request
Besiege the sinner's Friend;
In patient prayer expect a cure,
Till He pronounce my pardon sure.
CHAPTER III. The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ||