University of Virginia Library


[In our degenerate years revive]

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles', &c. —ii. 42.

In our degenerate years revive
The wonders of Thy grace,
And let us in affection strive
With the primeval race:
In apostolic doctrine found,
(The doctrine from above,)
And build us on the solid ground
Of Thy redeeming love.
O may we constantly abide
As hearers in Thy school,
(Thy Spirit our unerring Guide,
Thy word our sacred rule,)
Gladly supply each other's wants,
Propriety disown,
One in the fellowship of saints,
With all Thy members one.
On us the Christian feast bestow,
The sacramental bread,
That daily we Thy death may show,
And on Thy body feed;
Till Thou, whose passion we record,
On earth again appear,
And reign our dear triumphant Lord,
With all Thine ancients here.
On all the house of Jacob's race,
On Sion's mourners pour


The Spirit of supplicating grace
In one unceasing shower;
That wrestling on with faith and hope
We may in prayer abide,
Till Thou descend to take us up,
And place us by Thy side.