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The Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Edited with Preface and Notes by William M. Rossetti: Revised and Enlarged Edition

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Of sloth against Sin

There is a vice which oft
I've heard men praise; and divers forms it has;
And it is this. Whereas
Some, by their wisdom, lordship, or repute,
When tumults are afoot,
Might stifle them, or at the least allay,—
These certain ones will say,
“The wise man bids thee fly the noise of men.”


One says, “Wouldst thou maintain
Worship,—avoid where thou mayst not avail;
And do not breed worse ail
By adding one more voice to strife begun.”
Another, with this one,
Avers, “I could but bear a small expense,
Or yield a slight defence.”
A third says this, “I could but offer words.”
Or one, whose tongue records
Unwillingly his own base heart, will say,
“I'll not be led astray
To bear a hand in others' life or death.”
They have it in their teeth!
For unto this each man is pledged and bound;
And this thing shall be found
Entered against him at the Judgment Day.

This and the three following pieces are extracted from his “Documents of Love” (Documenti d'Amore).