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[Let the whole house of Israel know]

Let all the house of Israel know assuredly, &c. —ii. 36.

Let the whole house of Israel know
Jehovah hath extoll'd His Son,
That Jesus crucified below
Who laid the general ransom down,
His Father hath supremely magnified
And raised Him up to sit in triumph at His side.


All power He to the Man hath given,
That ye may surely know and praise
The glorious Lord of earth and heaven,
Sublime in majesty and grace,
Him Prophet, Priest, and King with rapture own,
And shout your God restored to His eternal throne.
Jesus, if Thou the faith impart,
Assured we of Thy Godhead are,
We find Thee praying in our heart,
We hear our heavenly Teacher there,
Thy partners in celestial places sit,
And reign with the Most-High—adoring at Thy feet.